
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Art of Achieving Bliss From Each and Every Moment of Ramadan

Ubqari Magazine - April 2020

Excerpt From the Weekly Sermon

A Sermon of Peace and Spirituality

Sheikhul-Wazaaif, Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai

The Art of Achieving Bliss From Each and Every Moment of Ramadan 

Our all of prayers, all recitations, all meditation, all the efforts shall reach the point of completion when they shall be accepted by Him. No matter how many meditations you show to the Lord, no matter how many efforts you show to the Lord, and no matter how much you strive in this world, but if there is no acceptance, we shall be unsuccessful people in life. The first and last thing in life is acceptance. One is that I find acceptance. And the other is that acceptance is present and I cash in on it and value it. So there is a difference. It was said that: Prayer is accepted before the deed, prayer is accepted between the deed, and prayer is accepted after the deed. Prayer is accepted after the Adaan. The caller said the takbeer and the prayer was accepted. He said, at the time when the takbeer is said then at that time when any person prays for anything in the heart, that prayre is accepted. When the rows for prayers are being adjusted, prayer is accepted. These are the ranks of acceptance and the places of acceptance. Prayer is accepted before the deed and prayer is accepted during the deed. What does it mean by during the deed? You offer taraaveeh during the Holy month of Ramadan. The break that is within the four taraaveeh, that is the moment of acceptance of prayers. That is a special moment. These are a few moments after the taraaveeh. The imam stands up. After paying salutations, he says Allah-o-Akbar for the second rakat. This one moment is very precious. Saying a prayer during this moment. Repenting in this moment and the expression of all the wishes, desires and requests to the Lord. Please do not hurry in the break between the four taraaveehs. So you have drank water now, we should not keep it as a break for drinking water. This is a moment of immense acceptance. The blender you have run the four taraaveehs. Now is the time to pick up the butter. After every four rakat, you should pick up the butter of acceptance of prayers. What a strange moment it is. This break between the four rakats of taraaveeh, this is of acceptance and of love. Just like there is a break for the imam between two sermons. The imam sits down after the first sermon. That moment is for recitations, zikr and praying, of wishing, of saintliness, that is moment is to beg before Him, that is a special moment, a special time. Cash in on each and every moment of Ramadan. In each and every moment of Ramadan get stamped by His acceptance, love, impressions. Get stamped by his bliss, mercy, generosity, blessings, affection. The prayer is accepted during the deed. And this deed between the four rakats of taraaveeh, recite plenty of tasbeehaat, zikr, crying, begging from Allah. It is not important to lift the hands. How many prayers are such. There is a prayer for eating the food. Do we lift the hands? We recite the prayer of going to the toilet, do we lift the hands? We recite the prayer of drinking water , do we lift the hands? How many prayers are such in life for which it is not important to lift the hands. But it is important to pray.

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